Hekiganroku - Case 44: Kasan's "Beat the Drum" Kasan, giving instruction, said, "Practicing and learning -- it is called 'hearing' (mon); completing learning -- it is called 'being next [to the fact]' (rin). When you have passed through these two, it is called 'true passing' (shinka). " A monk stepped forward and asked, "What is the 'true passing'?" Kasan said, "Beat the drum." He asked again, "What is the true Reality?" Kasan said, "Beat the drum." He asked again, "I do not ask about the sentence, 'Mind itself is Buddha.'[1] [But] What does 'Neither Mind nor Buddha'[2] mean?" Kasan said, "Beat the drum." He asked once more, "When someone who knows the ultimate Truth comes, how should we receive him?" Kasan said, "Beat the drum!" [1]: Cf. Case 30 in the Mumonkan. [2]: Cf. Case 33 in the Mumonkan.